So is a multiple
orgasm healthier or better in any way than a usual orgasm? Let's start
with the fact that any orgasm is an additional pressure on the heart. It
is also known that the electroencephalogram (the recording of the
brain's spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time,
usually 20-40 minutes, as recorded from multiple electrodes placed on
the scalp) of an orgasm is the same as one of an epileptic seizure. Both
are accompanied with the convulsions of the whole body. Compared to
just one female orgasm, a multiple orgasm has nothing special except for
the repetitive charge. Thus, even one orgasm can lead to unpleasant
consequences if you suffer from hypertension, weak vessels, epilepsy and
other similar illnesses. However, a totally opposite statement can be
said about a long, hard jog for example. In our point of view a multiple
orgasm is neither useful, nor harmful as far as your health goes and
definitely beneficial in the area of pleasure. By the way, there is also
an opinion that a female orgasm is a defensive reaction, preventing the
body from excessive arousal. Having reached the critical level of
tension, the nervous system gives a signal: "I've had enough! I'm done!"
and the woman experiences the peak of sensations.
Should couples
strive to achieve a multiple orgasm for full sexual experience? That's a
good question! Not every woman and not under every circumstance reaches
even one orgasm. It strongly depends on the level of her trust with her
partner, ability to relax well, and sometimes even making a plan with a
man about the necessary strategy. And in this sense a multiple orgasm
requires solid and sincere relationship in a couple. Besides the word
'should' in this question makes it particularly doubtful. Along with
this word a multiple orgasm becomes more of an achievement than
pleasure. In other words, when 'we should' appears in a relationship, it
stops being a relationship of love and becomes one focused on
And talking about the man, in order to get a woman
to have a multiple orgasm, should the partner be at minimum a
long-distance runner? That is actually exactly correct. If he hasn't
mastered the technique of achieving his own multiple orgasm, then maybe
it wouldn't even be beneficial to strive for a multiple orgasm for his
partner. Kind of like rabbits, who die from a heart attack in the
process of mating. So any achievements in sex are possible only when the
partners are a tandem: if they treat each other with kindness and
trust, feel each other really well and work on their relationship
overall and not on specific achievements.
Men are advised to look
for certain techniques of sexual intercourse's prolongation on the
internet, there are a lot of them, especially in eastern cultures such
as China and India, most popular ones called Kegels and Jelqing
exercises. Optionally, a man can form certain skills, which contribute
to the woman's multiple orgasm. It's quite another matter that a man can
become obsessed with the achievement itself and not on the
relationship, which can lead to distrust, tensions and arguments.
Therefore a woman should not define such a goal as achieving a multiple
orgasm. If she fails at achieving it (which is absolutely normal and is
not the evidence of any defects) a man will feel like a failure. Besides
not every woman and not every time welcomes further stimulation after
the first orgasm, a lot of women have such a high sensitivity that
continuing the caresses is actually painful. Overall, of course, every
couple can win a lot from the full exploration of their capabilities but
naturally it would be better if the ability to experience an orgasm was
measured by the quality of the sensations and not the quantity.
does this mean that achieving a multiple orgasm is not an indicator of
hyper sexuality? The answer is, not at all. Furthermore, a multiple
orgasm sometimes comes with the mental dysfunctions in the area of
sexual behavior. Taoist wise men say that the peaks of pleasure are only
a part of the love process, and no orgasm should become an end in
itself, not a single one, nor a multiple one. When you and your partner
learn to perform the circulation of sexual energy along your body, then
you will be able to experience the waves of orgasms as often as you
want. When you will make love, you will feel the closest connection
(physical, emotional and even spiritual), which you very rarely felt
before, if ever.
At one point the discovery of a multiple orgasm
caused a commotion in sexology, and over the course of several decades
the amount of women practicing a multiple orgasm has grown
exponentially, and they are not even taught by anyone; they just found
out that it's possible. One thing to mention is it may be best to try
this first with masturbation with a vibrator, which allows you to
control the process and not having to worry the stresses of your
partner's involvement. This guide was meant as an introduction to the
subject and just barely touches the tip of the iceberg. Spend some time
researching, experimenting and practicing. Pretty soon you will
personally know the incredible euphoria of multiple orgasms.