Here are 3 ways that I can think of for dealing with an argumentative girlfriend:
1. Find out if there is an underlying cause for that behavior.
know a good friend who was dealing with a girlfriend who started to
pick fights all of the time with him, and this came out of the blue
because she was not like that when they first got with one another.
Turns out the reason why she was feeling that way had little to do with
him. What she was going through was a terrible situation at her job and
she would come home all worked up about that and that would lead to her
arguing with him. For him, the solution was to help her move into
another job and now, things seem to be going great with them again.
2. Ignore her and find your own space when she is in that kind of a mood.
she happens to have moments where she seems to be moodier than other
times, you might want to find your own space when she acts like that.
What this does is it removes you from getting into the argument any
deeper and it also can kind of show her that you are not going to give
that kind of behavior any attention. Think of it like girlfriend
behavior modification, if you will.
3. Realize that this might be a sign it is time to end the relationship.
the only thing that you can do is to end the relationship. Another
friend of mine ended up with a woman who was very argumentative and
there was nothing that he could do to change that. The only solace that
he could find was when he ended the relationship. There are some women
out there who just are not cut out to do the relationship thing and if
you happen to be with a woman like that, the best thing may be to just
end it right now before you end up dealing with anymore grief.