This is a subject where different people have different mixed
opinions on it, and most people do not even know what to think of the
subject. In this modern world where there is always a campaign for
equality, and the question remains, "Why can't same-sex couples get
married"? That's their personal choice and there's absolutely nothing
wrong with it, and many well-known people support it as well. Do you
know that the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates who is a heterosexual
donated about $100,000 to a gay rights group offering support? When
there is such influential backing it can help if the minds of few people
can be changed by seeing things in a positive light. When equality and
diversity is so important to people today it's only fair that everyone
should be treated equally and have the right to marry whoever they want.
are three basic human rights which support gay marriage. The first
right being "The right to love" - This means everyone should have the
right to love irrespective of it being a man or woman. The second human
right states that "The right to express his or her sexual orientation" -
This means if you want to love someone of the same-sex then you most
definitely can. The third human right states that - "The right to
express oneself" - So basically if you combine these three rights,
everyone should have the right to love a man or a woman and what better
way to express one's love than by getting married to the one you truly
love. People have been getting married for years now and as the society
develops so should the laws.
Countries like the Netherlands,
Spain, Canada and more all have legalized same-sex marriage. The fact
that other countries can legalize same-sex marriage means that they
recognize that the society has changed. The only reason that most
countries will not legalize same-sex marriage is because of the
countries heritage and religion. The country needs to move with the
modern times like other countries have as it is considered
discrimination by not allowing same-sex marriage. This is, as mentioned
before, they are taking away the basic human rights that we all should
have. It is definitely wrong to discriminate against anyone which is why
racism laws and sexism laws were introduced. By allowing same-sex
marriage they can allow people to go about their business and be happy
knowing they are treated equal, no matter of their sexual orientation.
people deserve happiness just as much as straight people, and happiness
derives from the love and devotion that comes from marriage. While it's
true that many gay people are happy with the arrangement they currently
have. They have two incomes, successful careers, and if they don't have
children they have more disposable income, but they commonly still feel
like something is missing.
The reality is that homosexuality is
actually multidimensional, and altogether, more to do with love and
closeness than it is about sex. This really is what all gay
relationships and gay marriage survives on; mutual attraction, love, and
affection. Sex can surely often be a method of showing that affection,
the same as it can be for heterosexuals.